Monday, June 09, 2008


i am blogging in LiveJournal now.

click here!

i will still keep this blogger here though.
so u guys dont hav to change link or if u want to change go ahead.
u can still tag here..i will reply.
i have un-private it cause i know some ppl don hav LJ.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

blogger apparantly decide not to let me upload pics today.

since i hav LJ now i blogged there.
i think i jus changed the journal to private.
so only my friends can view it.
if u want to read jus set up a account then add me.
if u want the link jus ask me.

or when i feel like it i jus un-private it.
no personal attack on anyone so it doesnt matter.
(jus in case some ppl think too much and wonder why i private it)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

look at tagboard everyone.
go guess who that idiot that tagged as me.

is super easy.

hint: she is my friend and she is siao one.

Friday, May 23, 2008

life is "great".

my mum hasnt nagged at me this week..
basically cause i didnt go out everyday as it was planned.

my head is spinning right now but i cant sleep..
why why why?
and here i am typing this cause i am hoping that staring into the comp screen for too long would make my eyes hurt and i will get some sleep.
but it doesnt seem to be working.

why is Fedac not working its charm like it used to?
and when i need my mum to help me buy food, she is nt free and she decides
to go cut her hair instead. 

it must be the stupid weather.